
May 24, 2023
Commercial fruit powder production | North of 49 Naturals

Commercial Fruit Powder Production

Fruit powder is a versatile ingredient that has become increasingly popular in the food industry due to its long shelf life, concentrated flavor, and ease of use. The commercial production of fruit powder involves several steps to ensure its quality, consistency, and safety. In this article, we will provide an overview of the commercial fruit powder production processes, different techniques used for fruit powder production, and interesting aspects for scaling up fruit powder production for commercial use.
January 21, 2023
blue berries close up photography

Fruit Powder Highlights

North of 49 procures many grades of fruit from growers and processors from our BC production all the way to California. As we all know fruit bushes do not produce perfect fruit all the time, add weather in and farmers end up with many different grades of fruit. Blueberry that has ripened too fast, heat domes that have crushed the raspberry production, or apple that may have been hit by hail. This adds up over the season and farmers are left with varying grades of fruit. North of 49 procures process grade fruit all the way up to Grade A berries and puts them through our dehydration and milling lines.
December 22, 2022
dog and vegetable

Fruit & Vegetable Powders for Pets

North of 49 naturals provides organic dried fruit and vegetable powders to several pet food companies who are searching how to make natural pet food. Manufacturers are using the ingredients in a wide range of end products including pet treats and dry natural pet food.
December 13, 2022
red fruits on table

Ways to Use Cranberry Powder

Ways to Use Organic Cranberry Powder with simple and delicious recipes below!
October 24, 2022

Ways to Use Pumpkin Powder

Ways to use Pumpkin Powder in simple and delicious recipes for your everyday life.
October 13, 2022
Large assortment of Fruits and Vegetables

Ways to Use Vegetable Powders

North of 49 provides bulk organic vegetable powder to a wide range of industrial manufacturers, as well as to thousands of people with our Reach Your Peak Naturals – RYP Naturals consumer brand online.
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